S06E01 - Dinner at Seven-Thirty
un épisode de la Saison 6 de Bienvenue en Alaska

S06E01 - Dinner at Seven-Thirty

un épisode de la Saison 6 de Bienvenue en Alaska


Joel takes a spiritual journey to New York City after drinking orange juice that contains some Indian folk medicine and sees how life might have been. There he and his wife Shelly, a corporate lawyer, give a dinner party. Maurice is their doorman and Eugene their elevator operator; Maggie is the au pair for their kids; Bernard is in fashions and Chris is an inarticulate fashion photographer; Ed is a corporate raider; Ruth-Anne runs the internal medical partnership that Joel is trying to join; Holling is a singer who's got agoraphobia (fear of open places). Through the course of the evening, they begin to transform into their Cicelian characters.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


Autres épisodes de la saison

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