S02E03 - Feud for Thought
un épisode de la Saison 2 de Charles s'en charge

S02E03 - Feud for Thought

un épisode de la Saison 2 de Charles s'en charge


This episode of "Charles In Charge" features Charles as a fireman, putting out fires all over the Powell household. Luckily Charles is studying for his philosophy exam, because the show provides several practical tests for Charles' own philosophy, and happily he doesn't do badly on them at all. First of all, Adam is in the middle of a pre-teen imbroglio with his erstwhile best friend who is now his worst enemy. In trying to smooth those troubled waters, Charles ends up being challenged by the youngster's giant brother, Herman (Mark Venturini), who's ready to tear Charles apart. Then there's Sarah, who needs some help because she's learning to like herself a little better, and that's not easy for a thirteen year old. And finally there's Buddy, who's got a simple philosophy about everything. He's trying to get Charles to go out with one of the ultra Del Fluvio twins, Gina (Lisa Aliff), so he can go out with the other. How do


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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