S05E47 - Protect the Future! DATS' Final Battle
un épisode de la Saison 5 de Digimon

S05E47 - Protect the Future! DATS' Final Battle

un épisode de la Saison 5 de Digimon


After BanchoLeomon and Spencer's destruction, Yggdrasil changes to a fighting mode and heads to the Real World to eliminate it. The DATS team follows and engages it in a furious clash, but Yggdrasil easily overpowers them all even at their Burst Digivolution stages. Fueled by their strong bond to protect their beloved ones, regardless of being human or digimon, the DATS all together rise their DNAs into the sky with a cry that is answered by the rest of the digimon on earth and the Royal Knights. The Royal Knights rebel against Yggdrassil after doubting the motives of their god. In a shocking twist, Yggdrasil discloses that it is the computer which designs and controls all lifeforms in the Digital World at its will.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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