S1956E23 - Deduce, You Say
un épisode de la Saison 1956 de Looney Tunes

S1956E23 - Deduce, You Say

un épisode de la Saison 1956 de Looney Tunes


The cartoon begins with Porky's narration explaining that he and Daffy live on Beeker St. in London. Then, we see the inside of their apartment, where Daffy is deducing (thus, the title gets explained). Following a knock on the door, a mailman falls into their apartment. While Daffy attributes it to curare, the mailman chides him for not fixing the step (at which point Daffy declares that the mailman will get no gratuity). The letter identifies that there is a criminal on the loose named The Shropshire Slasher. So, Daffy and Porky go to a bar. Daffy's attempts to gather clues land darts in his bill. When the Shropshire Slasher finally gets revealed, Daffy repeatedly tries to deal with the guy, but the guy proves much stronger and always injures Daffy; meanwhile, Porky speaks reasonably to the guy and obtains much useful information. Just then, a woman arrives selling flowers. Daffy accuses her of selling them without a license and threatens to arrest her. The Shropshire Slasher moans "Mother!" Before Daffy has time to consider what has happened, the Shropshire Slasher grabs him by the neck and starts shaking him violently, causing all of Daffy's possessions to fall out of his pockets. The Shropshire Slasher and his mother then leave. Porky asks a beat-up looking Daffy how he learned to be like he is. Daffy answers "Elementary, my dear Watkins." Iris out.


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